Hadash and Communist Party of Israel activists took part in the demonstration in Jerusalem’s Paris Square, Saturday night, August 15, near the official residence of Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu. Among them are Joint List MKs Aida Touma-Sliman and Ofer Cassif. The banner reads Arabic and Hebrew, "We are the Revolution."

Anti-Netanyahu Protests Draw Tens of Thousands Nationwide: “Fly to UAE & Don’t Come Back!”

Protesters rallied Saturday evening, August 15, at a number of sites across Israel as part of ongoing demonstrations against far-right Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu over his indictment on graft charges and his catastrophic handling of the coronavirus pandemic. The main protest was held outside the Prime Minister’s Residence in Jerusalem, which has been the center of…

Masses Protest in Tel Aviv against Gov’t’s Neoliberal Economic Policy

Many thousands of demonstrators, estimates range between 10-30,000, descended on Rabin Square in Tel Aviv on Saturday evening, July 11, to noisily protest the Israeli far-right government’s ineffectual handling of the economic crisis caused by the ongoing coronavirus pandemic, in particular the inadequate financial aid being offered to the unemployed, small business owners and independent professionals.…

Members of Hadash and the Communist Party of Israel demonstrate against the annexation and occupation of the Palestinian territories outside the Knesset, May 14, 2020. First from right is MK Ofer Cassif, whose Hadash sign reads "Opposing the Occupation."

Next Wed., July 15: Int’l Webinar on Annexation with MK Ofer Cassif

Liberation, one of the oldest human rights and anti-imperialist organizations in the UK has joined the campaign for Britain to oppose Israel’s pending annexation of large swathes of the occupied Palestinian West Bank, including the Jordan Valley. The Liberation‘s journal will be holding a Webinar under the title “Palestine: Uphold UN Resolutions, Oppose Annexation,” next Wednesday,…

Addameer Lawyer Salah Hamouri Conditionally Released by Court

Salah Hamouri, a lawyer for Adameer, the Palestinian Prisoner and Human Rights Association, was conditionally released from detention on Tuesday, July 8, by the Israeli Court of First Instance, after he had been arrested on June 30 in the Sheikh Jarrah neighborhood of occupied East Jerusalem. On July 1, Hamouri’s detention was extended for another seven days,…