The demonstration last Saturday night, December 19, in front of the Likud headquarters in central Tel-Aviv

Thousands March in Tel Aviv against Right-Wing Provocations

3,000 demonstrators marched through the streets of Tel Aviv Saturday night, December 19, to protest right-wing provocations against human rights and peace activists. Organizers gave the protest the title: “Standing together against a government that incites instead of offering solutions; against the far-right’s attempts to silence and intimidate, from inside the government and from without.”…

A Common Appeal from Cyprus for an End the War in Gaza

The General Secretary of the Central Committee of AKEL (Progressive Party of Working People, Cyprus), Stefanos Stefanou, met Friday, May 17, with MK Aida Touma-Sliman (Hadash), member of the Political Bureau of the Communist Party of Israel, with whom the situation in Gaza and in Israel in general was discussed. In statements made after the…

Occupation soldiers verify the identity of Palestinian farmers in the West Bank.

Israel Violating Palestinians Rights via Control of Population Registry

A position paper recently published by the Israeli NGO HaMoked – The Center for Defense for the Individual – describes how the occupation regime’s long-standing freeze of the Palestinian population registry, effectively controlling it, infringes basic human rights of thousands of persons living under the military rule. The paper covers the legal and historical background…