The Coalition Against Racism: Upper Nazareth Mayor should be indicted for racist statements

Activists from the Coalition Against Racism in Israel demanded that Upper Nazareth Mayor Shimon Gafsou should be “indicted for racist statements” after he sent a letter to Interior Minister Eli Yishai claiming that Nazareth is full of “Israel-hating residents whose place is in Gaza and not here.” Mayor of Jewish-Arab Upper Nazareth claims Arab-majority Nazareth is becoming “a nest of terror in the heart of the Galilee, a center for the spread of hatred of Israel that supports and backs every anti-Israel initiative.”

The protest held by Hadash on Saturday, November 17, 2012, in Nazareth against deadly military operation in Gaza (Photo: Al Ittihad)

Gafsou accuses Nazareth mayor Ramez Jeraysi, a leading member of the Hadash (the Democratic Front for Peace and Equality – Communist Party of Israel), of walking at the head a rally which protested deadly Operation Pillar of Defense.  “Our boys are fighting in Gaza and the mayor of Nazareth, who is a member of Hadash, supports the terror group,” he said. “This is a grave matter.” Gafsou said that the present government in Nazareth is a “fifth column” and that the entire city is turning into “a hotbed of terror within Israel, a center for distributing hatred of Israel that supports and backs any anti-Israel group.”

A protest was held by Hadash on Saturday, November 17, 2012, in Nazareth where Hadash leader MK Mohammed Barake said “I accuse the Israeli government for the spilling of both Israeli and Palestinian blood, and I mourn victims on both sides. Civilians must be pulled from the cycle of horror. [Prime Minister Binyamin] Netanyahu is mistaken if he thinks the [Gaza] operation will bring quiet. This will not happen.” 1500 participants took part in the Nazareth rally, both Jews and Arabs.


         More protests against deadly Gaza operation in Tel Aviv Nazareth and Haifa