Bastille Day: A Demonstration in Jaffa for the Recognition of Palestine

A demonstration will be held tonight, July 14, in front of the residence of the French ambassador in Jaffa for the recognition of Palestine during the commemoration of the Bastille Day, the French National Day.

According to Partnership for Peace coalition, “In France and around the world, Bastille Day is a day of liberation and victory over oppression. It is the time to recognize that the fight against tyranny and oppression includes self-determination, national liberation – and a lasting peace. Both for Palestinians, and for Israelis – because no nation can be free and safe if they occupy another nation.”

A Partnership for Peace demonstration held in front of the US and French embassies in Tel-Aviv for the recognition of the Palestinian state, March 15, 2024 (Photo: Zo Haderech)

“On the Bastille Day, Sunday the French ambassador will host an event about liberté, égalité, and fraternité – but we cannot ignore the war, the occupation and the apartheid which contradict all of these values. We all – Jewish and Arab citizens of Israel – will be there in front of the ambassador’s house to loudly call: It’s time to end the war, it’s time to recognize the Palestinian state!”, added.

On last March 15, activists of the Peace Partnership held a demonstration in front of French and US embassies in Tel Aviv, “demanding the recognition of the State of Palestine state now!” According to the coalition “A Palestinian state is a vital and immediate necessity. Its sovereignty must be recognized within the internationally recognized borders – those of June 5, 1967. Recognition of the State of Palestine by the International Community, and especially by the powers that support Israel, can be a decisive step. It might bring to a successful conclusion an inclusive and calculated international struggle against the occupation and for the establishment of an independent Palestinian state alongside the State of Israel”.
