Haaretz: Police may soon evacuate the tent protest

According to Haaretz daily newspaper defense correspondent Amir Oren, “the authorities’ patience with the refugee camp on Rothschild is quickly running out. It is likely that Tel Aviv’s municipality will issue eviction orders (even if as of this moment they deny entertaining such a notion). After giving the residents’ time to pack up, it will vacate the tent camp by force – without infringing on demands for social justice, which will either be met or not by the powers-that-be, irrespective of what’s happening on the boulevard”.



MK Dov Khenin during a debate last week at the Communist Party tent in Rothschild tents camp, Tel-Aviv (Photo: CPI Tel-Aviv)

4000 tents all over the country. According to “Haaretz”, that was the figure national police headquarters compiled from its seven districts around the country. Well in the lead was the Tel Aviv District, with 2,300 tents – 2,000 of them on Rothschild Boulevard; then the Central District, with 410; Jerusalem District, 245; Southern District, 200; Northern District, 130; Coastal District, 98. And finally, with a big round zero – “Nothing to report” – was the Judea and Samaria (the Palestinian West Bank) Police District report.