The Commumist Party of Israel: Solidarity with the strikers in Greece

The Central Committee and the members of the Communist Party of Israel sent yesterday a message to the Left forces in Greece, a declaration in solidarity with the workers taking part in the general strike:

“Because of the capitalist crisis, the country’s difficult situation is being used to reignite old racist prejudices. This racist discourse is being propagated in the interest of the capitalist class, and not in the interest of the workers, whose international class solidarity is becoming ever more necessary.

A workers rally during the general strike, yesterday, in Greece (Photo: KKE)

“But Greece is not only being targeted by neo-liberals in the media and politics. Together with Portugal, Italy and Spain, Greece is condemned as one of the ‘PIGS’. This campaign is contrary to fundamental principles of class solidarity.

“We observe with great concern how the complicated situation in Greece is being exploited by the financial markets, the capitalist class in Greece and abroad,  the European Commission and by neoliberal European  governments in order to push for welfare cuts and massive privatization. The goal is to significantly weaken the Greek labour movement to facilitate the imposition of wage cut, to increase the retirement age and further exploitation. Our support for the Greek workers movement is in the tradition of class solidarity and proletarian internationalism. We know that their fight for a decent life is our fight too!”