Hadash faction to boycott

A statement issued by the front said that "throughout the years Bush has been leading an aggressive policy which does not consider the human, social and environmental interests of the region’s nations. The recent years have taught us that the American-Israeli strategic alliance is dangerous for the region’s future.

Last January several hundred Hadash (Democratic Front for Equality and Peace) and Communist Party of Israel activists participated in an anti-Bush demonstration in front of the American Consulate in West Jerusalem . They reached the site on foot due to the checkpoints and massive streets closures in the city, designed to facilitate the movement of Bush’s convoy. Hadash Chairman and member of the CC of the CPI, Mohammed Barakeh said during the demonstration that "Bush totally and blindly adopts Israel ‘s most extreme positions and prevents progress toward a final-status agreement. Without international pressure on the government of Israel , there won’t be progress in the peace process."