Next Sunday, September 24, tens of thousands of women, men and children from all corners of the country will set out on a Journey for Hope and Peace sponsored by Women Wage Peace organization. The aim of the journey is “to voice our unyielding demand for a political agreement and a resolution of the Israeli-Palestinian conflict, as well as to emphasize that women must play a key role in achieving this solution. Yes, this is possible! Conflicts around the world have ended and this region’s ongoing conflict can and should be resolved too.”
The itinerary: “We will start our journey on September 24, making our way on foot from the outlying regions and from the center of the country, being joined along the route by secular and religious, young and old, Jews and Arabs. We will trek for two weeks, ultimately bringing our unswerving demand for a political settlement to Jerusalem. As part of our journey, along with Palestinian women who share our aims, we will prepare a signed manifesto in which we pledge ourselves to work together towards a political agreement. This document will be presented to our political leaders. Towards the end of the journey, in Jerusalem, we will erect a tent named for Hagar and Sara, because we, the descendants of Hagar and Sara, wish to say – enough is enough! We do not have the luxury to despair. Peace is possible and we’ll not stop until we reach a political agreement!
“The Peace Journey to Jerusalem will pass through, among other places, Sderot, Kissufim, Yeruham, Dimona, Hura, Rahat, Arad, Mitzpe Shalem, Tiberias, Nazareth, Fureidis, Tel Aviv, Jaffa, Lod, and Abu-Gosh.”
Those interested in taking part in the preparations for the journey are invited to register by completing the form −
The event in Facebook: