Recognition of Palestine State demanded in European Parliament

The parliamentary group European United Left/Nordic Green Left (Gue/Ngl) organized on Monday a work journey in Brussels on the recognition of the Palestinian State. According to “Prensa Latina”, the meeting had the participation of Bassam Salhi, Secretary General of the communist Palestine People’s Party (PPP) and member of the Palestinian Legislative Council. Also participated in…

Hadash: Government Approves Racist, Anti-Bedouin Program

Israel’s government on Sunday approved the recommendations of Minister without portfolio Benny Begin to “change the program regulating Bedouin settlements in the Negev”. The reform is aimed at solving definitively the issue of Bedouin ownership claims on Negev lands and according to Hadash it’s a “provocative and racist anti-Bedouin program – the Prawer Plan” September…

Leading Communist Party member MK Barakeh again in court

MK Dov Khenin testified in defense of fellow Hadash chairman MK Muhammad Barakeh on Sunday in the trial against him over two separate alleged altercations, one during a 2005 demonstration in Bil’in (a Palestinian village in the occupied territories) and another in Tel Aviv’s Rabin Square in 2006 against the war in Lebanon. The two…

Netanyahu suffers setback in Israel election

Rightwing and neo-liberal Israeli P. M. Benjamin Netanyahu, suffered a major setback in Israel’s general election on Tuesday as results gave the narrowest of victories for the rightwing-religious block and a surprisingly strong showing for a new centrist party formed last year, forcing the prime minister to say he will seek a “broad coalition to…

Hadash activists carrying red flags and red banners during the massive Israeli social protest, July 2011

On Hadash and the Israeli Elections

Today, on Tuesday January 22, Israelis vote. Latest poll number show 63% right-wing and extreme-right coalition support. It’s comprised of Likud, Yisrael Beiteinu, Habayit Hayehudi, Shas, and United Torah Judaism.  Pollsters asked respondents what issues matter most and socio-economic concerns by far ranked highest. Nearly half said they determine their choice. Likud and other right-wing…