Supreme Court: MK Zoabi can run for Knesset

Special, nine-judge panel renders on Sunday unanimous ruling overturning Central Election Committee’s decision to disqualify Knesset member from the Arab nationalist Balad party from nearing elections. “The court’s decision proves that the attempts to have me disqualified were the result of political and personal persecution against me, against my party and against the Arab public…

On the eve of Israel elections: workers’ struggles all over the country

The workers’ committee at the Israel Airports Authority is threatening to disrupt operations atBen-Gurion International Airport on Sunday to protest management’s failure to ensure proper pay and other employment terms for outsourced workers. In Dimona, workers lock themselves in a textile factory, decrying “merciless owners.” The employees of the Kitan textile plant in Dimona burned…

MK Barakeh in court over 2005 and 2006 assault charges

 Hadash Chairman Mohammad Barakeh arrived in the Tel Aviv Magistrate’s Court Sunday to testify in proceedings held against him for allegedly assaulting a police officer in 2005. Barakeh said: “I can’t believe someone in my position has to be dragged to court like this. This is a cynical play by the prosecution.” On Sunday, the…

H. R. organizations: Israel must stop attacks on Palestinian human rights defenders

Early on Tuesday 11 December 2012, members of the Israel Defence Forces (IDF) raided three Palestinian NGOs in Ramallah, seizing computers, work files and equipment and ransacking their offices in what Amnesty International says is part of a “pattern of harassment” against campaigners in the Occupied Palestinian Territories. “This Israeli raid against the Addameer Prisoners…

ANC strongly condemned the Israeli state-sponsored attacks and deportation of Africans

South Africa’s ruling party, the African National Congress (ANC), endorsed the Boycott, Divestment and Sanctions (BDS) campaign against Israel on Thursday. Adopted a series of resolutions against the occupation policy of Israel at its 53rd National Conference, the ANC adopted policies urging South Africans to support any Palestinian campaigns that “pressure Israel to end its…