MK Khenin wins the prestigious Green Globe Award

Life and Environment, the Israeli umbrella organization of ecology organizations, will present its Green Globe awards on Sunday to activists and organizations that have improved the country’s environment.  MK Dov Khenin (Hadash) will receive the prestigious Green Globe for improving legislation in critical environmental issues. Entering its 9th consecutive year, The Green Globe Award is…

Criminal trial of MK Mohammed Barakeh begins

The trial of Knesset Member (MK) Mohammed Barakeh, head of the Democratic Front for Peace and Equality (“Hadash” or “Jabha”), begins yesterday, Wednesday (April 18) in the Tel Aviv Magistrate Court. The trial opened with two days of evidentiary and witness hearings to be held on Wednesday 18 April and Sunday 22 April 2012. The…

Palestinian prisoners begin hunger strike

At least 1,600 Palestinian prisoners in Israeli jails launched an open-ended hunger strike on Tuesday, upping the stakes in a protest movement that has put Israel under pressure, according to “Al Ittihad” communist newspaper. Israel has already struck deals with two Palestinian detainees this year after they staged prolonged hunger strikes and 10 other inmates…

1,600 Palestinian prisoners to go on hunger strike

Over 1,600 detainees in Israeli jails are due to begin a hunger-strike on April 17, a Palestinian Authority official said Sunday. According to Ma’an News Agency, Issa Qaraqe, the Palestinian Authority prisoners’ affairs minister, added that factional division among the strikers is dangerous and called on detainees with different political allegiances to unite. Palestinian Prisoners…