AKEL sent a solidarity message to the Communist Party of Israel

AKEL (The Progressive Party of Working People) Central Committee sent from Nicosia, Cyprus, a solidarity message to the Communist Party of Israel to “its struggles for the foundation of a Palestinian state”: “AKEL expresses its full solidarity with the Communist Party of Israel and all the pro-peace forces in Israel to their struggle against the…

Facebook group calls for boycott of high-priced foods

As cost of dairy product nears that of gas, Facebook group calls for boycott of high-priced foods and ‘No reason for us to be screwed’, organizer says.  With revolution sweeping the Arab countries, Facebook-inspired protests have come to Israel in an unlikely form, in a carton of cottage cheese. Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu had a…

A Hadash-CPI delegation meets with Abu Mazen in Ramallah

 A joint Hadash (Democratic Front for Peace and Equality)  and Communist Party of Israel (CPI) delegation meets, Friday June 10, with Palestinian President Mahmoud Abbas (Abu Mazen) in Ramallah. Palestinian leader Abbas stressed in the meeting the centrality of the 1967 borders in both continued efforts toward peace talks and a simultaneous move to garner…

A Hadash-CPI delegation meets with Abu Mazen in Ramallah

 A joint Hadash (Democratic Front for Peace and Equality)  and Communist Party of Israel (CPI) delegation meets, Friday June 10, with Palestinian President Mahmoud Abbas (Abu Mazen) in Ramallah. Palestinian leader Abbas stressed in the meeting the centrality of the 1967 borders in both continued efforts toward peace talks and a simultaneous move to garner…

Rightist MKs continued to persecute human rights groups

Israeli organizations which contributed to the Goldstone Report on the deadly last Israeli invasion to Gaza criticized on Sunday a proposal by MK Israel Hasson (Kadima) to revoke their right to use National Service volunteers. Cast Lead operation (photo: Al Ittihad) They claimed a deliberate witch hunt is being held against them. Hasson discovered that…

A new report on the critical situation of workers in the occupied Arab-Palestinian territories

  The annual report of the International Labour Office (ILO) on the situation of workers of the occupied Arab territories published yesterday (Friday) shows some improvement in the economic situation in the Occupied Palestinian Territory although the latter remains precarious, particularly in Gaza. The report attributes this improvement to an accelerated growth rate and a…