Army officer indicted for vandalizing Palestinian vehicles

On 12 and 13 October, B’Tselem (The Israeli Information Center for Human Rights in the Occupied Territories) documented eight vehicles owned by Palestinians that had been vandalized, apparently by soldiers, near Jenbah in the southern Hebron hills. The vehicles, which were used to transport Palestinian laborers wanting to enter Israel without permits, were abandoned when…

Harassment of left activists at Ben-Gurion University

The Association for Civil Rights in Israel (ACRI) demands that Ben-Gurion University investigate and possibly take disciplinary action against security personnel, who harassed left students, among them Hadash activists, distributing leaflets on campus, and retract earlier statement of support for actions discriminating against freedom of speech of students affiliated with the left. Arrest of protestor…

MK Khenin: We must guarantee that crises like the Gulf of Mexico will not occur in the Mediterranean

The Ministerial Committee for Legislation on Sunday approved an environmental law that will require factories to publicize their hazardous chemical emissions. But it also rejected two other green bills, a spokesman for MK Dov Khenin (Hadash – the Democratic Front for Peace and Equality – Communist Party of Israel) announced. The approved National Registry Act,…

Doctors launch general strike

Israeli Medical Association (IMA) declares series of harsher protest moves following failure of its negotiations with Health Ministry, Treasury officials over employment conditions. Doctors are launching a general strike today as part of their ongoing efforts to improve employment conditions, and will not provide nonessential services at public hospitals, or receive patients at Clalit or…

Strike intensifies at Schechter Institute in Jerusalem

A five-week strike by faculty members and workers at the Jerusalem-based Schechter Institute of Jewish Studies intensified this week after President David Golinkin announced on Thursday that striking employees would not receive their salaries though August 1 and that students would instead receive “pass” grades. In response, the institute’s Academic Committee, which holds the sole…

Negotiations fail as doctors’ storm out of meeting with Treasury; Next week: strike in all hospitals

 Doctors’ union, the Israel Medical Association (IMA), charged on Thursday evening that the Treasury backtracked on agreements it reached on the number of night and weekend shifts that would be required of doctors. “We returned to square one,” it said. On Sunday, doctors’ sanctions will shut down all elective surgery except emergency and oncological surgery.…