Hadash: Boycott bill violates freedom of expression

The Association for Civil Rights in Israel issued yesterday (Monday) a press release confirming that the Boycott bill was approved for a final reading, making it highly likely that it will pass in the final vote in Knesset. According to ACRI’s translation of the bill, a “a boycott against the State of Israel” is “deliberately…

Two oil spills strike Eilat Bay over weekend

Two oil spills tainted the waters of Eilat, in the Red Sea, this weekend – one on Friday morning, and another on Saturday morning and MK Dov Khenin (Hadash) said: “During the deliberations of the subcommittee on oil dangers in the Gulf of Eilat, we discovered an alarming picture of neglect and an inability to…

International solidarity campaign with Haifa Chemicals workers strike

The Communist Party of Israel (CPI) launched an international solidarity campaign with Haifa Chemical workers strike. On May Day workers at the Haifa Chemical Inc. (internationally known as “Haifa”) went on strike. A workers meeting at Haifa Chemicals (Photo: Al Ittihad) Haifa Chemicals Ltd. is the world’s largest manufacturer and marketer of potassium nitrate, an…

Hadash Chairman attends Bil’in protest

Hadash Chairman Muhammad Barakeh participated yesterday, Friday, at an anti-fence protest staged in the Palestinian village of Bil’in, west of the city of Ramallah. Palestinian Prime Minister Salam Fayyad was also present. The protesters brought a bulldozer to the site in order to dismantle the fence, and were actually successful in removing part of it.…

A National Exercise in Scare Tactics

Prime Minister Netanyahu, Defense Minister Barak and the remainder of Israel’s cabinet members are running a scare campaign about what, supposedly, will befall Israel if the UN General Assembly votes in September in favor of recognition for a Palestinian State based on the 1967 borders. Foreign Minister Lieberman has even announced that the approval of such a resolution means no less than the annihilation of Israel.

Bil’in protesters continue to rally as IDF moves barrier

Activists against the occupation barrier in the area of the West Bank Palestinian village of Bil’in vowed this week to continue their struggle, even though the IDF (Tzahal) began relocating the fence earlier this week. Today, on Friday, protesters will hold their weekly rally against the barrier along the regular route to the old location…