May Day in Israel: Six demonstrations all over the country

  The worker’s international solidarity and struggle day, May Day, this year in Israel crosses ethnical, religious and national boundaries and unites workers from all over the country around the red flag. Demonstration will be held next Friday, April 30, in Tel-Aviv, both in West and East Jerusalem (in Palestinian Sheikh Jarrah), Haifa, Beer-Sheva and…

For a Broad Jewish-Arab Front against Fascisation

The Decisions of the 11th Plenum of the Central Committee of the Communist Party of Israel   The Central Committee of the Communist Party of Israel (CPI) warns against the worsening threats against the democratic space in Israel, and against the processes of Fascisation, and calls for a broad front in defense of democracy.  …

Homage to Dr. Ahmad Sa’ad

The Central Committee of the Communist Party of Israel expresses its profound grief at the passing away today (Monday, April 19), of comrade Dr. Ahmad Sa’ad, member of the Political Bureau of the Central Committee and Chief Editor of “Al Ittihad”, communist daily Arabic newspaper. Dr. Sa’ad, a well know journalist and researcher, learned political…

Mohammad Barakeh: never again fascism and Nazism

  About two months after returning from a memorial ceremony at the Auschwitz-Birkenau concentration camp, Knesset Member Mohammad Barakeh and chairman of Hadash – the Democratic Front Peace and Equality – Communist Party of Israel for stressed Monday (April, 12) that the values of the Holocaust must be taught both in Jews and Arab schools.…