A tempest in a coffee cup – Article from “THE JERUSALEM POST”


May, 22, 2008
History books don’t offer any clues as to whether Karl Marx and Friedrich Engels ever shared a latte or cappuccino. But it stands to reason that the authors of The Communist Manifesto would’ve been tremendously proud of Alon-Lee Green, a shift manager at the Coffee Bean and Tea Leaf café on Tel Aviv’s Rehov Ibn Gvirol, whose battle for social justice has planted the seeds of a revolution in the Israeli workplace. After all, it was Green, a 20-year-old member of the Israeli Communist Party, who decided enough was enough, and that his fellow café workers needed to unite in a struggle that has resulted in an incredible victory over an international conglomerate and a sea change in conditions for Green, his Coffee Bean chain colleagues, and potentially thousands across the country.

Israeli police provocation

After being questioned today afternoon, Hadash Chairman and leading member of the Communist Party of Israel, MK Mohammad Barakeh accused the police of trying to create "political provocations." Barakeh added that "the police are busier monitoring minds than they are monitoring the streets."

After being questioned today afternoon

After being questioned today afternoon, Hadash Chairman and leading member of the Communist Party of Israel, MK Mohammad Barakeh accused the police of trying to create "political provocations." Barakeh added that "the police are busier monitoring minds than they are monitoring the streets."

Israeli police provocation


After being questioned today afternoon, Hadash Chairman and leading member of the Communist Party of Israel, MK Mohammad Barakeh accused the police of trying to create "political provocations." Barakeh added that "the police are busier monitoring minds than they are monitoring the streets."


Statement by the delegations of Palestinian

A delegation composed by Bassam A.O. Salhi, Secretary of the Palestinian Peoples´ Party (PPP) and Member of the Palestinian Legislative Coucil, Assem G.R. Abdalhadi, Member of the Political Bureau of PPP and Mohamed Barakeh, President of Hadash and Member of the Political Bureau of the Communist party of Israel (CPI) visited under the initiative of the KKE Group the GUE/NGL Group in the European Parliament on 14/05/08.


Hadash faction to boycott

Members of the Knesset’s (the Israeli parliament) Hadash faction, Mohammed Barakeh, Hannah Sweid and Dov Khenin, plan to boycott today (Thursday, May 15) festive session which will be attended by US President George W. Bush.