The seminar against war and intervention in the Middle East in the European Parliament. Second from left: Aida Touma-Sliman (Photo: GUE/NGL)

European Parliament: Seminar with the Mideast anti-war forces

A seminar brings Middle East anti-war forces together for debate in the European Parliament was held last month. The seminar’s main focus was on the efforts to oppose war and interventionist policies in the Middle East. Among the participants: Bassam Salhi, General Secretary of the Palestinian People’s Party and member of the PLC and Aida…

Hadash local election meeting in the Galilee, October 2013 (Photo: Al Ittihad)

Municipal elections: A plot against Hadash in Nazareth

The winner of the closely watched mayoral contest in Nazareth, Israel’s largest Arab-Palestinian city, between incumbent Ramiz Jaraisy (Hadash) and Deputy Mayor Ali Salam was not known on Wednesday night. Longtime mayor Ramiz Jaraisy won reelection with 43.4% of the vote. MK Hanin Zoabi (Balad) came in third, with just under 4,000 votes – 9%…

The occupation army against MK Barakeh, Bil'in 2005 (Photo: Al Ittihad)

Film footage shown at trial confirms that MK Barakeh is innocent

The Tel Aviv Magistrates’ Court held last Wednesday (October 2) an evidentiary hearing in the criminal trial of Communist Member of Knesset (MK) Mohammed Barakeh, head of the Democratic Front for Peace and Equality (Hadash/Jabha). During the hearing, the court heard two witnesses for the defense. The witnesses gave their testimonies regarding charges made against…

CPI: A letter in solidarity with the Sudanese CP and people

We, at the Communist Party of Israel, have been following with great concern and fury the ongoing repression and wrongdoings by Albashir’s government in Sudan: from the outrageous price increases which only exacerbate the dire situation of the Sudanese people, already burned out by extreme poverty; through the mass repression and detentions of opposition leaders…

A Hadash banner in Hebrew and Arabic: "Equality" (Activestills)

Demonstrators march in Tel Aviv against Prawer Plan

Thousands marched through the streets of Tel Aviv Saturday night in protest of the Prawer Plan. Alongside Tel Aviv residents, demonstrators were bused in from Arab villages and cities in the Galilee and the Negev to gather in Habima Square. Most of the demonstrators were affiliated with Hadash, a few with Meretz and many more…

Uprooting (“Transfer”) Law Hits the Road

The Prawer Plan – Expulsion of Tens of Thousands of Arab Palestinian Bedouins in Al Naqab (the Negev) A Statement by the Communist Party of Israel The Prawer Plan, which has been cooking for years, has passed its first reading in the Knesset in June 2013 and is about to be realized in the near…

The seventh annual Marx Conference in Tel-Aviv

The sixth annual Marx Conference, devoted to “Left Perspectives on the International Crisis of Capitalism” took place in Tel Aviv on May 2012 under the auspices of Hagada Hasmalit (Left Bank) Alternative Cultural Center. In addition to 25 panelists, approximately three hundred people participated in the meetings and discussions. Summaries of lectures were published in…

Communist Party: Israeli attack on Syria unjustifiable

Communist Party of Israel (CPI) on Sunday slammed Israeli military strikes on Syria earlier in the day. “We condemn the unjustifiable attack on the sovereignty of Syria,” said the spokesperson calling on all parties in Syria to reach a political agreement to protect the rights of the Syrian people.  “The Netanyahu government proves that it…