Demonstrators from the Black Flag Movement protest against PM Netanyahu and his far-right government on Rothschild Boulevard in Central Tel Aviv, Saturday, April 10, 2021.

Anti-Netanyahu Protests Resume after PM Mandated to Form Gov’t

Thousands of ant-Netanyahu protesters gathered outside the Prime Minister’s Official Residence on Balfour Street in Jerusalem on Saturday night, April 10, while hundreds more demonstrated next to Netanyahu’s private home in the coastal city of Caesarea and smaller protests took place in dozens of other cities and towns, along highway overpasses, and at major intersections around…

The Joint List delegation consisting of MKs Ayman Odeh (Hadash, center) and Ahmad Tibi (Ta'al, right) met with President Rivlin (left) on Monday evening, April 5, but refrained from recommending any candidate for forming a government.

Joint List Refrains from Endorsing Any Candidate for Prime Minister

Israel’s President Reuven Rivlin began his consultations with Knesset party leaders on Monday morning, April 5, towards deciding upon whom he’ll task the forming of the next government following Israel’s March 23 election, the fourth in two years. During the course of the day, hundreds of opponents to Israel’s far-right Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu demonstrated outside the…

500 Academicians: EU Legitimizing Israel’s Illegal W. Bank Settlements

Over 500 academicians from 20 countries (in Europe, Latin-America, the US and Israel) last week published an open letter condemning Horizon 2020, the EU’s most recent science program, for granting research funds to Israeli scholars working at Ariel University in the occupied Palestinian territory . The signatories to the letter entitled “Ariel University and Horizon…