Knesset Meeting on Arab Employment in High-Tech

​The Science and Technology Committee, chaired by MK Ayman Odeh (Hadash-Ta’al), and the Special Committee on Young Israelis, chaired by MK Naama Lazimi (Labor), held a joint meeting on Tuesday to discuss ways to increase the employment of Arab workers in the high-tech sector. MK Ayman Odeh during the meeting on ways to increase the…

Weekly Protests Against Govt Shift Focus to Arab Community as Murder Toll Reaches 100

Weekly protests against the far-right government took place for the 23rd week in a row Saturday night. Demonstrators this week began to spotlight the government’s inability to combat the soaring homicide rates in the country’s Arab-Palestinian national minority following two separate mass shootings in Arab villages in Israel’s north. Protesters held signs “Dead-class citizen” during…

Knesset Speaker Ohana: The Occupied Western Sahara is Moroccan

Knesset Speaker Amir Ohana (Likud), currently visiting the Kingdom of Morocco, has clearly expressed his recognition of Morocco’s sovereignty over the Western Sahara occupied territory. During a press conference following a meeting, Thursday in Rabat, with the president of the house of representatives, Rachid Talbi Alami, Ohana had these words: “The Sahara is Moroccan” According…

Hadash-Ta’al Meets with Netanyahu, Present 12-point Plan to Combat Rampant Bloodshed

Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu met with Hadash-Ta’al parliamentary faction on Monday night, as crime in Arab communities claimed its 91st murder victim since the start of 2023. After meeting with lawmakers from the Knesset’s members and Arab local council representatives Netanyahu agreed to the establishment of a ministerial committee, which he would chair, to fight…

Thousands Rally Against Occupation in Tel-Aviv, Protests Against Govt Continued for the 22nd Week

Thousands of Israelis gathered Saturday evening against occupation of the Palestinian territories and to protest fascist plans by Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu’s far-right government. The rally was held under the initiative of Hadash (The Democratic Front for Peace and Equality) and the Communist Party of Israel and sponsored by a large number of peace and…

Arab Leaders Start Protest in Jerusalem Against Government Inaction on Deadly Crime

Elected officials and representatives of Israel’s Arab-Palestinian national minority demonstrated in Jerusalem on Tuesday against the crime plaguing their communities, calling on the government to increase security. According to Israeli police, 84 Arabs have been killed since the start of the year. The Abraham Initiatives, which tracks violence in the Arab community, put the toll…