Al Jazeera report on Pegasus spyware

Germany’s Federal Police Using Spyware from Israeli NSO Group

The German government admitted on Tuesday, September 7, that its federal police service have used the controversial Israeli spyware known as Pegasus, drawing immediate criticism from rights groups. Germany’s BKA federal police bought the software from Israel’s NSO Group in late 2019, a closed-door parliamentary committee learned from government officials. Germany’s federal investigative police force held…

Palestinians demonstrate in Hebron Wednesday night, September 8, in solidarity with their incarcerated brethren.

CPI Calls on Gov’t to Stop Attacks against Palestinian Prisoners

Massive rallies took place on Wednesday, September 8, across the occupied West Bank in support of Palestinian prisoners and condemning the administration of Israel’s Prison Service (IPS) for its brutal repression of and vengeful attacks against the incarcerated Palestinian “security prisons” following the escape of six of them from Gilboa Prison in the north of the…

Children from the Palestinian Bedouin village of Khan al-Ahmar look on as a bulldozer makes preparations for an access road to be used by Israeli forces in the "imminent evacuation and demolition" of the West Bank hamlet, July 4, 2018.

Israeli Official: “We Have No Plans to Limit Settlement Construction”

Despite the change of administration in the United States, Israel’s settlement building policies in the occupied Palestinian territories will remain largely unchanged, an Israeli government official has told The Times of Israel. The official said that Prime Minister Naftali Bennett’s new government will operate based on the understandings his predecessor Benjamin Netanyahu reached with former…