Thousands protest the Gaza war in Tel Aviv, July 26, 2014. (Photo: Activestills)

Thousands of Israelis protest the Gaza war in Tel-Aviv

Some 7,000 Israelis on Saturday evening protested the war in Gaza under the banner: “No more deaths – Israeli-Palestinian peace, now.” The protest took place in Rabin Square in central Tel Aviv. Slogans chanted by the protesters included “Stop the war,” “Bring the soldiers back home” and “Jews and Arabs refuse to be enemies.” Speakers included…

Get Out! Stop the War Demo

Tonight in Tel-Aviv: Get Out! Stop the War Demo

Tonight, Saturday July 26 at 8 p.m. in Rabin Square in Tel-Aviv, well be held “Get Out! Stop the War Demo”. According to organizers: “On Saturday, the peace camp takes a stand at Rabin Square. The war is taking a heavy toll in lives and injuries on both sides, in destruction and horror, in bombings…

Fascists beat Haifa deputy mayor during anti-war protest

Haifa’s deputy mayor and his son were beaten Saturday night when right-wing activists attacked Hadash and Communists activists protesting Israel’s massacre in the Gaza Strip. According to “Haaretz” and “Al Ittihad”, the right-wing activists had gathered in the area, burned a Palestinian flag and shouted “Death to Arabs,” and “Death to leftists.” They asked a…

The demonstration in Haifa in the today's (Sunday, July 20) edition of "Al Ittihad" Communist daily newspaper front-page

Hadash demonstrators accused the government of war crimes; rightists called for ‘death to the Arabs’

Hundreds of Jews and Arabs, members of Hadash and the Communist Party of Israel” demonstrated in Mercaz Hacarmel, Haifa, on Saturday night against the Gaza operation, against racism and for a just peace between Israel and Palestine. They hoisted red banners and Palestinian flags. Hundreds of right-wingers staged a counter-protest, and hoisted Israeli flags and…