Waleldin at a protest for refugee rights at Tel-Aviv University (Photo: Danielle Shitrit)

Hate crimes against refugees in Israel go unabated

Hate crimes against asylum-seekers rarely receive media coverage or public attention in Israel, but they continue unabated and most of the perpetrators are never brought to justice. The victims are afraid of filing complaints with the police or feel that there is no point in doing so, and policemen at times belittle the victims. In…


CPI : No to imperialism! No to ISIS!

The Communist Party of Israel strongly condemns the imperialist intervention lead by the U.S. in Iraq and Syria. We obviously agree that the barbaric atrocities and crimes that reactionary organizations like ISIS, Jabhat al-Nusra and alike have been carrying out must be fought against and eliminated. Nevertheless, a struggle against those genocidal organizations and for…

Greetings to Sweden

Tel Aviv, 7.10.2014 Dear Sir, Madame, The Communist Party of Israel (CPI), Arabs and Jews alike, congratulate Mr. Stefan Löfven, leader of the Social Democratic Party of Sweden, on his appointment to Prime Minister and the formation of a new leftist government in Sweden. We are especially delighted and salute Mr. Löfven and the new…

Palestinians identify the body of a child killed in Israeli attacks, at Al Shifa Hospital, Gaza City, July 30, 2014 (Photo: Activestills)

B’Tselem: Not holding out hope that investigations into Gaza hostilities will lead to results

In response to the Israeli army announcement detailing some of the investigations opened into “exceptional” cases during operation Protective Edge, Israeli human rights group B’Tselem stated that based on past experience, it isn’t holding out hope that this process will lead to results other than a whitewash. B’Tselem announced that it will not assist the…