1,300 march in Tel Aviv anti-war with Iran rally

In the first significant anti-war with Iran protest held yet in Israel, 1,300 Israelis marched through central Tel Aviv on Saturday evening to voice their opposition to those calling for a strike on Iran. Titled “Israelis Against the War”, organizers said on the protest‘s Facebook page that “we will not agree to an irresponsible Israeli…

UN Report: Settlers taking over Palestinian springs

The UN is claiming that Israeli settlers have taken over dozens of natural springs in the West Bank, limiting or preventing Palestinian access to much-needed water sources. The report produced by the UN Office for Coordination of Humanitarian Affairs (OCHA) said at least 30 springs across the West Bank had been completely taken over by…

Knesset cafeteria workers strike and protest

MKs and Knesset employees find themselves without lunch on Monday when cafeteria workers go on strike for the three busiest hours of the workday to protest their employment conditions. They demonstrated outside the Knesset from 11:30 a.m. to 2:30 p.m. in the presence of MKs and social activists. The 50 workers in the Knesset’s three…

Netanyahu’s newspaper supports attack on Iran

In an uncommon front-page, top-headline editorial, Amos Regev, the editor of daily “Israel Hayom” (Israel today), discusses the decision regarding an Israel military strike on Iran’s nuclear facilities. Regev, a member of Binyamin Netanyahu’s inner circle between his two terms as Prime Minister, attacks those speaking against the war, and concludes that “Yes, it’s possible to…