Hadash elected the list for the Knesset elections

Hadash convention delegates on Saturday, reelected MK Mohammad Barakeh at first place on the electoral list for the next Knesset elections during a convention in the northern town of Shefamr (Shfaram). “Starting tomorrow, we will continue our efforts towards our main goal. Until today we were busy arranging the list, and we are now prepared to…

Court orders staff of Maariv to call off strike

Employees of the daily Maariv were ordered to return to work on Wednesday by the Tel Aviv District Court, after they had walked off the job Tuesday night over a dispute with the paper’s new owner, Shlomo Ben-Zvi. Maariv workers decided on Tuesday night to strike, refusing to print the Wednesday morning edition of Israel’s…

Amnesty: Israel must release Bassem Tamimi

Israeli authorities must end the harassment, intimidation and arbitrary detention of Palestinian activist Bassem Tamimi, Amnesty International said Thursday. Tamimi was detained on October 24 during a protest at an Israeli supermarket in a Jewish settlement near Ramallah. The non-violence leader from Nabi Saleh — a West Bank village which holds weekly demonstrations against settlement…