Rally in Tel-Aviv: Palestinian state now!

Under the slogan “Palestine state now”, a rally was held in Tel Aviv on Thursday evening, where one-thousand protesters called on Israel to support the Palestinian statehood bid. The crowd was thick with banners, red flags and t-shirts from Hadash, and well-known left-wing activists from Hadash and Meretz took to the stage while the crowd…

MK Khenin: The Likud moved to the extreme-right

MK Dov Khenin (Hadash) on Tuesday attacked the Likud over its new extreme right-wing party list, and called for the Israeli electorate to support left-wing parties to counter the new political reality. “The Likud turned into the house of the ‘Feiglinites’ overnight,” Khenin said. “Menachem Begin would not recognize the party that just ousted (Benny)…

Hadash welcomes Barak’s departure

Member of Knesset Dov Khenin of the Democratic Front for Peace and Equality – Communist Party of Israel (Hadash) welcomed, Monday, the announcement by Defense Minister Ehud Barak that he is leaving politics after the January Knesset elections. MK Khenin said, “Barak’s resignation cannot hide his great responsibility four terrible years of political deadlock, damage the…

Communist Palestine envoy says Beijing backs UN entry

President Mahmoud Abbas’ envoy to China said on Friday that Beijing backs their United Nations membership bid.  General Secretary of the Palestinian People’s Party, Bassam al-Salhi, was in China on a three-day trip to discuss Israeli attack in Gaza, echoed earlier calls from China’s Foreign Ministry that Beijing would support Palestinian statehood and its entry…

The Coalition Against Racism: Upper Nazareth Mayor should be indicted for racist statements

Activists from the Coalition Against Racism in Israel demanded that Upper Nazareth Mayor Shimon Gafsou should be “indicted for racist statements” after he sent a letter to Interior Minister Eli Yishai claiming that Nazareth is full of “Israel-hating residents whose place is in Gaza and not here.” Mayor of Jewish-Arab Upper Nazareth claims Arab-majority Nazareth…

MK Khenin: Every hour waiting for ceasefire is costly

MK Dov Khenin (Hadash) visited Barzilai Hospital in Ashkelon on Tuesday, as staff were evacuating the emergency room and transferring patients to protected shelters in the basement amid constant rocket fire aimed at the region. MK Khenin said that “every additional hour of waiting for a ceasefire is unnecessary and increasing the difficult and valuable…