Tens of thousands of protesters demonstrated in Tel Aviv against the "Nation-State Law" in August 2018. The placard held aloft in the foreground reads in Hebrew: "The Nation-State Law – Formal Apartheid”; in Arabic it reads: "Down with the Nation-State Law."

Joint List & Meretz Fail in 3 Bids to Topple Racist “Nation-State Law”

A coordinated effort of MKs from the Joint List and Meretz to repeal the racist “Nation-State Law” by bringing three separate bills to a Knesset vote was defeated in Israel’s parliament on Wednesday, July 15. Following its passage two years ago by the previous far-right government’s coalition as a quasi-constitutional Basic Law, the legislation was heavily…

Relatives of the late Samer Khatib, a victim of male violence, display photographs of her during the mass rally held in Rabin Square in Tel Aviv on Tuesday night, December 4.

Nationwide Strike & Mass Rally to Protest Governmental Inaction towards Violence against Women

Tens of thousands of women and men, Jews and Arabs participated in a general strike across Israel on Tuesday evening, December 4, declaring a “state of emergency” to protest the far-right government’s inaction towards violence against women. The strike, which included demonstrations, direct actions, and vigils for women who have been murdered, took place in Tel Aviv,…