Al-Midan Arabic-language theatre in Haifa

Amid Protests Culture Minister Regev Revokes Funding for al-Midan Theatre in Haifa

Culture Minister Miri Regev (Likud) decided on Tuesday, June 16, to freeze state funding for the al-Midan Arabic-language theatre. For months, the Haifa theatre has been staging the controversial play A Parallel Time. Earlier this month, Education Minister Naftali Bennett (HaBayit HaYehudi) removed the play from the educational culture stipend, stating that Israeli school-children should…

Activists protest outside racist MK Regev’s home

Dozens of activists gather on Saturday on Likud MK’s Miri Regev doorstep, observe moment of silence in protest of her inciting and racist statements against African migrants and refugees. Some 25 of Regev’s and Likud supporters arrived on the scene, and responded to the silent protest by shouting abusive and more racist comments at the…

Racists Chant ‘Death to Arabs’ as Settlers Rally in Jerusalem

Far-right Israeli government officials including racist National Security Minister Itamar Ben-Gvir joined tens of thousands of settlers participating in Thursday’s inflammatory “Flag March” in occupied East Jerusalem, an event at which police and demonstrators attacked Palestinians and journalists while chanting slogans including “death to Arabs” and “your village will be burned.” “Jews and Arabs against…