Attorney Nizar Bakri, a Carmiel resident who filed a lawsuit on behalf of his nephews asking the municipality to fund transportation for Arab children to their schools

Court Denies Funds to Arab Pupils Based on Racist Nation-State Law

An Israeli court cited on Monday, November 30, the controversial nation-state law when it dismissed a lawsuit brought by two Arab schoolchildren against their northern town of Carmiel, ruling that the municipality’s “Jewish character” must be preserved. The lawsuit, which charged that the northern Israeli city was violating its obligation to provide transportation for Arab children…

Tens of thousands of protesters demonstrated in Tel Aviv against the "Nation-State Law" in August 2018. The placard held aloft in the foreground reads in Hebrew: "The Nation-State Law – Formal Apartheid”; in Arabic it reads: "Down with the Nation-State Law."

Joint List & Meretz Fail in 3 Bids to Topple Racist “Nation-State Law”

A coordinated effort of MKs from the Joint List and Meretz to repeal the racist “Nation-State Law” by bringing three separate bills to a Knesset vote was defeated in Israel’s parliament on Wednesday, July 15. Following its passage two years ago by the previous far-right government’s coalition as a quasi-constitutional Basic Law, the legislation was heavily…

MK Ayman Odeh addresses protesters in the rally held Sunday evening in Central Tel-Aviv. The backdrop behind him reads: "Black Flag Protest – Fighting for Democracy."

Thousands Rally in TA; Hadash MK Odeh Calls for a Broad Jewish-Arab Coalition for Peace and Democracy

Thousands of “Black Flag” protestors, among them Hadash and Communist Party of Israel activists, gathered on Sunday evening, April 19, in Tel Aviv’s Rabin Square to demonstrate against the far-right government. The anti-Netanyahu protest was the most political in nature of the several led by grassroots movement over the past month since COVID-19 restrictions have been…