Arab and Jewish Doctors at the Rambam Medical Center in Haifa, Wednesday night May 12: "Shalom – Salaam," Peace in Hebrew and Arabic

Hadash Rejects All Mob Violence by Jews or Arabs, the Burning of Property and Houses of Worship

Amidst the ongoing deadly armed escalation with Gaza, scenes of unrest, rioting, hate rallies and growing social chaos are spreading throughout numerous cities in Israel. The most shocking scene on Wednesday night, May 12, was live coverage of hundreds of Jewish racists (mostly from the Jerusalemite “La Familia” gang) in Bat Yam vandalizing Arab property and…

Former World War II Red Army officers at a Holocaust Remembrance Day at Yad Vashem

Academics and Holocaust Survivors Oppose Naming of Far-Right Figure to Chair Yad Vashem Museum

Renowned Jewish historian, Deborah Lipstadt, together with nearly 160 academics, historians, museum curators and Holocaust survivors have signed a petition opposing the appointment of Effi Eitam as the new chairman of Yad Vashem, the World Holocaust Remembrance Center in Jerusalem. The Anti-Defamation League has also joined the campaign against the appointment of Eitam, a former…

Thousands gathered in Jerusalem's Paris Square for the first major anti-Netanyahu protest since the start of new lockdown, Sunday evening, September 20.

With New Lockdown, Thousands Gather at Anti-Netanyahu Protest

Police arrested 11 anti-government demonstrators in Jerusalem on Sunday night, September 20, during the first major protest since Israel started its second nationwide lockdown to curb its surging coronavirus outbreak. The new lockdown regulations continue to permit protests, subject to Ministry of Health recommendations and police instructions. Several thousand demonstrators, among them activists from Hadash and…

Hadash and Communist Party of Israel activists participated in the demonstration at Jerusalem’s Paris Square, last Saturday night, August 1, near the official residence of Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu whose resignation the protestors called for. The Arabic and Hebrew banner reads "Democracy for All."

While Netanyahu Feasts on Falafel, Supporter Yells “Death to Leftists”

Tens of thousands of demonstrators will take to the streets across Israel today and tomorrow (Saturday evening), in protests largely demanding the resignation of far-right Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu over his three indictments on graft charges, as well as castigating his neoliberal government’s handling of the coronavirus pandemic. This weekend’s demonstrations will take place in…