Israeli doctor participating in a demonstration organized by Physicians for Human Rights in Jerusalem: "I practice medicine, not torture."

Cabinet Weighs Importing Foreign MDs to Force-Feed Hunger Strikers

Israel’s far-right government is considering importing foreign doctors to force-feed Palestinian hunger strikers if Israeli doctors continue to refuse taking part in the practice. The Israel Medical Association has advised its physician members not to participate in any force-feeding, deeming the practice inhumane. Israel’s Channel 2 reported Thursday, May 5, that the government intends to…

34 Construction Workers Died in Workplace Accidents Last Year: Hadash Activists to Demonstrate in front of the Ministry of Economy

34 construction workers died in workplace accidents last year; this according to the official answer to the parliamentary query submitted by MK Dov Khenin (Hadash – Joint List) following the alarming rise in work-related accidents in the field of construction. The reply, given to MK Khenin by Yariv Levin, the minister serving as a governmental…