A banner in English, at the May Day March in Nazareth on Saturday, May 2

Thousands Demonstrate in Nazareth to Celebrate May Day

Thousands participated in the Workers’ Solidarity March in Nazareth on Saturday (May 2) and called for social justice, peace, and equality. Members of the Communist Party of Israel (CPI), the Young Communist League and Hadash activists participated in the March and subsequent rally. Among them: Knesset members from Hadash, chairman of the Joint List, Ayman…

MK Dov Khenin (Hadash) during a debate held in the Knesset, last year, in support of legislation to increase the minimum wage to NIS 30 an hour, which comes to NIS 5,300 a month for full time employees.

MK Khenin: A Good Law to Conclude a Bad Knesset

On Wednesday, January 21, in a stormy, election-season session in which politicians lobbed at one another mutual accusations over attempts to take credit for the popular measure, the Knesset approved a bill to raise the minimum wage in Israel. MK Dov Khenin (Hadash) responded with satisfaction to the Knesset’s passing of the minimum wage bill,…

A demonstration in Beer-Sheva against nutritional insecurity and the neo-liberal social policy of the Netanyahu government (Photo: Social activists)

Food insecurity affects 900,000 Israelis

A new State Comptroller report found the government lacking in its efforts to ensure that Israelis are able to maintain a basic nutritional diet, and that by relying on charity organizations, the state was not fulfilling its duty to the public. The Nutritional Insecurity report, published on Monday, calculated that there are some 900,000 Israelis…