Black Flag and other demonstrators call for an end to Netanyahu's reign as prime minister, Jerusalem, Saturday evening, April 17, 2021.

Protesters Continue to Demand an End to Netanyahu’s Corrupt Rule

Protesters once again gathered to demonstrate outside of the Prime Minister’s Official Residence in Jerusalem on Saturday night, April 17, calling for an end to Benjamin Netanyahu’s continued rule amidst his ongoing trial for bribery, fraud and breach of trust. In the past, anti-Netanyahu protesters would march from the Jerusalem Light Rail Bridge at the western…

Demonstrators from the Black Flag Movement protest against PM Netanyahu and his far-right government on Rothschild Boulevard in Central Tel Aviv, Saturday, April 10, 2021.

Anti-Netanyahu Protests Resume after PM Mandated to Form Gov’t

Thousands of ant-Netanyahu protesters gathered outside the Prime Minister’s Official Residence on Balfour Street in Jerusalem on Saturday night, April 10, while hundreds more demonstrated next to Netanyahu’s private home in the coastal city of Caesarea and smaller protests took place in dozens of other cities and towns, along highway overpasses, and at major intersections around…

Thousands gathered in Jerusalem's Paris Square for the first major anti-Netanyahu protest since the start of new lockdown, Sunday evening, September 20.

With New Lockdown, Thousands Gather at Anti-Netanyahu Protest

Police arrested 11 anti-government demonstrators in Jerusalem on Sunday night, September 20, during the first major protest since Israel started its second nationwide lockdown to curb its surging coronavirus outbreak. The new lockdown regulations continue to permit protests, subject to Ministry of Health recommendations and police instructions. Several thousand demonstrators, among them activists from Hadash and…

Leftist activists blocked Herzl Street in Tel Aviv last Sunday, June 14, to protest Israel's imminent annexation of the occupied Palestinian territories. The white banner to the left reads: "Israel is not a democracy… Apartheid."

More Protests against Annexation of Occupied Palestinian Territories

Dozens of leftist activists blocked Herzl Street in Tel Aviv last Sunday, June 14, to protest Israel’s “colonialist policies and plans to formally annex” occupied Palestinian territories. The protesters barricaded the central downtown road with concrete barriers and fences, on which they raised banners in Hebrew, Arabic and English reading: “No to annexation, No to apartheid”…