Demonstrators in Tel Aviv against alleged corruption by Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu

Police Recommendations for PM Corruption Cases to Be Presented

The top echelons of the Israel Police are reportedly set to finalize their recommendations on whether criminal charges should be lodged against far-right Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu in the wake of two corruption probes. Police chiefs, including Commissioner Roni Alsheich, and the heads of the national police force’s Investigations Department will present their recommendations on…

MK Dov Khenin during the Knesset debate

Knesset Passes Law Hushing Police Recommendations on Elite Probes

The Knesset passed legislation on Wednesday night, December 27, which prevents police from recommending the indictment of high-profile targets of criminal investigations. The legislation passed in its third reading, with 59 Knesset members voting for and 54 against the bill, following a lengthy filibuster by members of opposition parties. The newly-enacted law was brought by…