Illustration: Yedioth Ahronoth

Shin Bet Rejects & Fires “Political” Teachers in Israel’s Arab Schools

Israel’s Internal Security Agency (the “Shin Bet”) has the authority to reject the hiring of “politically active” teachers or dismiss those already working in Arab schools, according to a report published in the daily newspaper Yedioth Ahronoth last weekend. According to the article, a former official at the Israeli Ministry of Education, Emmanuel Koplovich, related…

Salah Hamouri

Field Researcher Salah Hamouri Seized by Occupation Forces

Salah Hamouri, Addameer’s field researcher and advocate for Palestinian prisoners’ rights, was arrested by Israeli occupation forces in a pre-dawn raid on his home in the neighborhood of Kufr Aqab on Wednesday, August 23. Later, Hamouri was taken to Russian Compound Israeli interrogation center in west Jerusalem, where his detention was extended until Sunday, August  27, for…

Demonstration by “Combatants for Peace” against police investigations of anti-occupation activists near the house of Justice Minister Ayelet Shake in Tel Aviv on Sunday, June 25

Human Rights Organizations Support “Breaking the Silence”

Eighteen Israeli peace and human rights organizations have issued a joint statement in which they express their solidarity with the the NGO “Breaking the Silence” after the organization’s spokesperson was interrogated by police last week. The signatories included Amnesty Israel, B’Tselem, Combatants for Peace, Standing Together and Peace Now. “We stand with our friends in…