Footage from the B'Tselem video documenting the extrajudicial execution in Hebron, March 24, 2016

Political Storm Gathers Strength after Video Shows Soldier Killing Wounded Palestinian in Hebron

The political storm over a B’Tselem video showing an Israeli soldier shooting a Palestinian in the head is gathering apace. The soldier who opened fire on a Palestinian attacker has been arrested by the Military Police’s criminal investigations department, IDF Spokesman Brigadier-General Moti Almoz said on Thursday afternoon, March 24. “Israel over the last several…

Thousands of Israelis flooded the streets on Saturday night, June 27, to oppose the gas deal approved by the cabinet

Billionaire Adelson to Netanyahu: “Streamline Gas Industry Regulations”; Thousands Protest against Deal in Tel Aviv

Four activists were detained on Saturday night, June 27, after scuffles with police in Tel Aviv during mass protests against the impending gas deal between the government and a US-Israeli energy conglomerate. Thousands of Israelis flooded the streets to oppose a deal approved by the cabinet on Thursday which would see the US company Noble…

Hundreds of Arab students, Hadash and communists activists, and MKs mark "Nakba Day" at Tel Aviv University on Wednesday, May 20.

Hundreds Mark “Nakba Day” at Tel Aviv University

Hundreds of Arab students, Hadash and communists activists, and MKs marked “Nakba Day” at Tel Aviv University on Wednesday, May 20. The ceremony was attended by leader of the Joint List, MK Ayman Odeh, as well as by MKs Aida Touma-Sliman, Youssef Jabarin, and former Hadash MK Muhammad Barakeh. “We can argue about what happened…

Palestinian women sit among the ruins of the Al-Nada towers after they were destroyed by Israeli strikes in Beit Hanoun, northern Gaza Strip, August 4, 2014. The towers had 90 flats. So far, Israeli attacks have killed at least 1,870 Palestinians, and injured 9,470 since the beginning of the Israeli offensive (Photo: Activestills)

The Long Road to Gaza

Practically everywhere around the globe, it is not possible to read the newspapers or watch the news without witnessing – either briefly or at great detail – the human tragedy in Gaza. The unjust war launched by the Israeli government of Benjamin Netanyahu, has resulted in vast destruction in one of the most densely populated…

A demonstration in solidarity with the Palestinian people, last week, in Buenos Aires (Photo: CTA)

Belgium advises to label products from settlements; Latin America urges peace

Belgium advised retailers on Tuesday to clearly label the origin of products made in Israeli settlements that are in occupied territories where Palestinians seek statehood. The non-binding recommendation has nothing to do with escalating conflict between Israel and Palestinian militants in the Gaza Strip, the Belgian Economics Ministry said, noting that Britain and Denmark already…

Thousands protest the Gaza war in Tel Aviv, July 26, 2014. (Photo: Activestills)

Thousands of Israelis protest the Gaza war in Tel-Aviv

Some 7,000 Israelis on Saturday evening protested the war in Gaza under the banner: “No more deaths – Israeli-Palestinian peace, now.” The protest took place in Rabin Square in central Tel Aviv. Slogans chanted by the protesters included “Stop the war,” “Bring the soldiers back home” and “Jews and Arabs refuse to be enemies.” Speakers included…