Demonstration for right to speech in Haifa University during a demonstration in support for the Palestinian hunger strikers (Photo: Al Ittihad)

Hebrew University threatens Arab students with expulsion over political activities

Twelve Arab Palestinian students, among them Hadash activists, are facing possible expulsion from Jerusalem’s Hebrew University for participating in an “illegal” political protest. In the past, the university only took steps against particular student groups. Now, it’s switching gears and targeting individual students. According to Rami Younis in +972 website “near the end of September,…

Palestinian women sit among the ruins of the Al-Nada towers after they were destroyed by Israeli strikes in Beit Hanoun, northern Gaza Strip, August 4, 2014. The towers had 90 flats. So far, Israeli attacks have killed at least 1,870 Palestinians, and injured 9,470 since the beginning of the Israeli offensive (Photo: Activestills)

The Long Road to Gaza

Practically everywhere around the globe, it is not possible to read the newspapers or watch the news without witnessing – either briefly or at great detail – the human tragedy in Gaza. The unjust war launched by the Israeli government of Benjamin Netanyahu, has resulted in vast destruction in one of the most densely populated…

Protest against forced feeding of Palestinian prisoners, Jerusalem, June 16, 2014. Activists and doctors take part in a demonstration, organized by Physicians for Human Rights organization, against the bill to legalize forced feeding of hunger-striking prisoners in Israel, in front of the Knesset. Sign in Hebrew reads: "Judge, what is legal in administrative detention?" and in English and Arabic: "Force Feeding = Torture." (Photo: Activestills)

MK Khenin: Force-feeding is torture

The Attorney General’s Office defended on Monday a controversial bill to allow hunger-striking prisoners to be force-fed, telling the Knesset Internal Affairs Committee it had suitable checks and balances and was not a “torture law.” The Knesset had been scheduled to vote on the bill in a final reading on Monday, as it had been…

Arab-Palestinian students protest in solidarity with prisoners on hunger strike inside Israeli jails, Hebrew University, Jerusalem, June 10, 2014 (Photo: Activestills)

Force-feeding bill meeting stiff opposition

The Knesset Internal Affairs and Environment Committee launched on Monday two days of marathon debates over the controversial bill allowing the force-feeding of Palestinian hunger-striking prisoners, as the bill advances toward its second and third readings. The bill, which is officially an amendment to the Prisons Ordinance, passed its first reading last week, with 29…