Addameer Lawyer Salah Hamouri Conditionally Released by Court

Salah Hamouri, a lawyer for Adameer, the Palestinian Prisoner and Human Rights Association, was conditionally released from detention on Tuesday, July 8, by the Israeli Court of First Instance, after he had been arrested on June 30 in the Sheikh Jarrah neighborhood of occupied East Jerusalem. On July 1, Hamouri’s detention was extended for another seven days,…

Over 1,000 MPs from 25 Countries Sign Statement against Annexation

More than one thousand lawmakers from 25 European states have signed a statement opposing any unilateral annexation by Israel of West Bank territory. The legislators expressed support for the stance of European Union (EU) foreign policy Chief Josep Borrell that annexation “could not pass unchallenged.” The European parliamentarians’ statement expressed “serious concerns” about the Trump…

1,500 El Al workers held a mass protest against planned layoffs in the company on Sunday outside the Finance Ministry in Jerusalem.

Towards Swearing-In of New Gov’t, Street Protests Spread Nationwide

During recent days, thousands of citizens of Israel have taken to the streets in numerous and diverse protests, all of them somehow linked to the political, social and economic upheavals so exacerbated by the coronvirus crisis. Several protests were originally scheduled for tomorrow, Wednesday May 13, to coincide with the swearing-in of the new Netanyahu-Gantz government.…