Amid War, Half of Israelis Fear Economic Difficulty

About 20 percent of Israelis who responded to a survey carried out in November said their income has declined greatly or very greatly since the start of the October 7 war. Latet’s detailed report addresses various aspects of living in poverty. The organization estimates that about 22% (710,000) families in Israel live in food insecurity,…

UN Humanitarian Official Says a Ceasefire is Needed in Gaza

A top United Nations humanitarian official on Sunday offered a grim assessment of Israel’s war in Gaza as the world marked International Human Rights Day. In a statement, the UN’s Humanitarian Coordinator in the Occupied Palestinian Territory Lynn Hastings condemned Hamas’ October 7 attack on Israel but said Israel’s ongoing response in Gaza was disproportionate.…

Biden, Stop the Assault on Gaza

Hundreds of academics, from Israel, the United States and Europe called on President Joe Biden to lead the way in negotiating an immediate and lasting ceasefire, implementing a hostage-prisoner exchange, and supplying urgent humanitarian aid to Gaza. According the statement, “The human toll is unbearable, with both sides committing grave violations of the Geneva Conventions and humanitarian law. Some 1,200…