Activists from Hadash and the Communist Party of Israel demonstrate in solidarity with the hunger striking Palestinian prisoners on Wednesday evening, May 3, opposite the Ministry of Defense in Tel Aviv.

B’Tselem: Israel Must Comply with Striking Palestinian Prisoners’ Demands for Improved Conditions

The hunger strike launched by more than a thousand Palestinian prisoners and detainees on April 17 is a non-violent protest focusing on several valid, basic demands for improved prison conditions. Because the Palestinian inmates are held in facilities in Israel, in contravention of international law, Israel imposes severe restrictions on family visits, and many relatives…

Hadash MKs Dov Khenin (center in red shirt), Ayman Odeh (to Khenin’s right), and Aida Touma-Sliman (far right) along with the Secretary General of the Communist Party of Israel Adel Amer and leading CPI activist Mohammed Barakeh (third and second from the right, respectively) during the May Day march in Nazareth, last Saturday, April 29

Thousands Take Part in Hadash’s May Day March in Nazareth

A crowd of thousands, Arabs and Jews, gathered in Nazareth on Saturday morning, April 29, to take part in the city’s annual May Day march. As well as marking International Workers’ Day, the demonstrators marched against the occupation and the government’s repression of Palestinians and the neo-liberal social and economic policies of Netanyahu’s far-right government.…

Hadash Activists Hand Out May Day Flowers and Workers’ Rights Pamphlets to Palestinian Laborers

Palestinian workers entering Israel through the Eyal Checkpoint on Thursday morning, April 27, probably hadn’t expected to be handed flowers by members of the Knesset. But that’s exactly what happened at 5am on Thursday morning at one of the busiest checkpoints for Palestinian laborers from the occupied territories who cross into Israel each morning for…