Hebrew University of Jerusalem students demonstrate against the eviction of Palestinian residents from their homes.

Sunday: Solidarity Demonstration with East Jerusalem Palestinians Threatened with Home Evictions

A demonstration in solidarity with Palestinian residents of occupied East Jerusalem threatened with eviction orders will be held tomorrow, Sunday, December 9. The group of peace activists organizing the demonstration has written: “This Hanukkah we shall drive away the darkness, not Palestinian families from their homes. Together we will resist home demolitions! We say no…

Racist banners near the city: "Afula is not for sale"

Interior Ministry Finds No Fault in City Council’s Oath to Maintain Afula’s “Jewish Character”

The Interior Ministry has announced that it will take no action regarding the addition made to the Afula City Council’s swearing-in ceremony, in which the newly elected council members pledged to “maintain the city’s Jewish character.” In response to a query by Haaretz on whether the ministry was planning to intervene and whether the council’s pledge…

Doctor of jurisprudence, Hadash MK Yousef Jabareen: “I know of no such legislation.”

Contra Proposed Bill: Strike Death Penalty from Israel’s Legal Code!

Israel’s right-wing prime minister, Benjamin Netanyahu, is yet again escalating his war against the Palestinian people. Netanyahu recently gave the green light to legislation that would make it easier for Israeli courts to impose the death penalty against Palestinians accused of carrying out “acts of terrorism” which result in fatalities. Subsequently, on Wednesday, November 14,…

Supreme Court Rejects Petition against Infringement of “Alien” Workers’ Right to Sue Employer

The Israeli Supreme Court has rejected a petition filed by human rights organization and has ruled that the discriminatory “Jordan Valley Regulations” will remain in force, despite violating employees’ access to the labor court system. Adalah – The Legal Center for Arab Minority Rights in Israel, Kav LaOved – Worker’s Hotline, and the Association for…