Thousands gathered in Jerusalem's Paris Square for the first major anti-Netanyahu protest since the start of new lockdown, Sunday evening, September 20.

With New Lockdown, Thousands Gather at Anti-Netanyahu Protest

Police arrested 11 anti-government demonstrators in Jerusalem on Sunday night, September 20, during the first major protest since Israel started its second nationwide lockdown to curb its surging coronavirus outbreak. The new lockdown regulations continue to permit protests, subject to Ministry of Health recommendations and police instructions. Several thousand demonstrators, among them activists from Hadash and…

Joint List MK Ofer Cassif (Hadash, center) and activists from Hadash and Communist Party of Israel brand red flags outside far-right Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu's official residence in Jerusalem, Saturday night, August 29. The placard Cassif is holding reads: "Salaried workers, independents and unemployed together against the government."

11th Week of Jerusalem Protests against PM Sees Record Crowds

Tens of thousands protesters gathered outside far-right Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu’s official residence in Jerusalem Saturday evening, August 29, calling for his resignation, as tensions with police were running high following documented incidents of police violence at the previous week’s protest. This was the eleventh consecutive Saturday night in which demonstrators turned out to voice opposition…

An anti-Netanyahu protest held near the Israeli embassy in London, August 3, 2020

Israeli Expats Hold Anti-Netanyahu Protests in 18 Cities Simultaneously

The protest movement against far-right Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu took a step forward Saturday, August 29, when simultaneous demonstrations were held in 18 cities around the world. The protests all took place together at 9 pm last night Israel time and were transmitted live on Facebook and screened outside the prime minister’s official residence off Paris Square…