Joint List MKs lead a protest against US President Donald Trump’s peace plan in Baqa al-Gharbiya on Friday, February 1, 2020

MK Touma-Sliman: “While Trump Has Power and Money, on Their Side the Palestinians Have Justice”

Senior officials in the Israeli Prime Minister’s Office have said that, even if US President Donald Trump’s “Deal of the Century” plan is implemented, there will be no redrawing of Israel’s borders so that Arab towns in the Triangle region are “included in the future Palestine autonomy,” Channel 12 television news reported on Sunday, February 2.…

Demonstrators in Tel Aviv march against US President Donald Trump's "Deal of the Century," last night, Saturday, February 1, in Central Tel Aviv. Second from right, Communist Party of Israel Secretary General, Adel Amer; third from right Hadash MK Aida Touma-Sliman (Joint List). (Photo: Zu Haderech Weekly)

Protests against Trump Plan in the Galilee, Arab Triangle and Tel Aviv

Thousands of Jews and Arabs protested in central Tel Aviv, last night (Saturday, February 1), against US President Donald Trump’s “Deal of the Century.” The demonstrators gathered in Dizengoff Square and marched from there to Ibn Gvirol Avenue. Following the procession, a rally was held where speakers included Joint List MK Aida Touma-Sliman, Darwish Rabi (Hadash)…

Hundreds of Israeli and Palestinian activists demonstrate outside police headquarters at Jerusalem’s Russian Compound on Saturday night, December 7, in solidarity with the residents of Isawiya. The large banner at the extreme left reads: "We are all with Isawiya."

In Central W. Jerusalem, Hundreds Protest Police Rampage in Isawiya

Hundreds of Israeli and Palestinian activists demonstrated outside police headquarters in Jerusalem’s Russian Compound on Saturday night, December 7, calling for an end to nearly six months of daily police brutality and violence in the occupied East Jerusalem neighborhood of Isawiya. Among the demonstrators were Hadash MK Youssef Jabareen (Joint List) and several members of Hadash…

The rally organized in Ramallah by the Palestinian Journalists Syndicate (PJS) against the decision by Israeli authorities to close down the offices of Palestinian TV in Jerusalem, November 21, 2019

Journalists Protest Israel’s Closing Jerusalem Offices of Palestinian TV

Hundreds of journalists joined a march and protest rally organized by the Palestinian Journalists Syndicate (PJS) on Thursday, November 21, against the decision by Israeli authorities to shut down the television offices of Palestinian Broadcasting Corporation (PBC) in Jerusalem. The offices of PBC Television, a channel funded by the Palestinian Authority, received orders to close…