Masses Protest in Tel Aviv against Gov’t’s Neoliberal Economic Policy

Many thousands of demonstrators, estimates range between 10-30,000, descended on Rabin Square in Tel Aviv on Saturday evening, July 11, to noisily protest the Israeli far-right government’s ineffectual handling of the economic crisis caused by the ongoing coronavirus pandemic, in particular the inadequate financial aid being offered to the unemployed, small business owners and independent professionals.…

Demonstrators from the "Crime Minister" movement block the entrance to the offices of Israel's Foreign Ministry in Jerusalem, the venue of the weekly cabinet meeting, Sunday, June 7. The banner paraphrases a passage from a Jewish High Holiday prayer that speaks about "removing evil government" from the world.

Anti-Corona Law Protesters Block Entrance to Weekly Cabinet Forum

Pro-democracy demonstrators from the “Crime Minister” group sat down and blocked the entrance to the headquarters of Israel’s Foreign Ministry in Jerusalem on Sunday morning, June 7, prior to and during the cabinet’s weekly meeting. The protesters formed a human chain to protest the proposed “Corona Bill” and far-right Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu, accusing him of…