A member of Israel’s Border Police assaults journalists and medics assembled near Al Bireh, West Bank, October 30, 2015.

43 Journalists Covering OPT Jailed by Israel since October 2015

The Committee to Support Palestinian Journalists announced on Saturday, April 16, that Israel has detained 43 journalists in the Occupied Palestinian Territories (OPT) since October 2015, including two foreign reporters. The New York based committee said in a report that journalists have reported torture, medical negligence, and unreasonable and illegal rulings by the Israeli authorities…

Human Rights Groups Petition against Force Feeding

On September 6, 2015, four human-rights organizations, including Physicians for Human Rights-Israel and HaMoked, petitioned Israel’s Supreme Court to revoke the amendment to the Prisons Ordinance, “Preventing Hunger-Strike Damages”, which was recently approved by the Knesset. In the petition, the organizations claim that the amendment purports to be legislation concerned with saving the lives of…

Palestinians protest in front of the offices of the Red Cross in the West Bank city of Nablus, calling for immediate intervention to release prisoners from Israeli prisons, especially women and children, Nablus, West Bank, March 12, 2015.

500% Increase in Palestinians Detained without Trial in 2015

Israeli occupation authorities have issued 319 administrative detention orders for Palestinians since the beginning of 2015, a rights group said Friday, April 3, six times as many as they did the previous year. The statistics, released by the Palestinian Center for Prisoner Studies, suggests a massive increase in Israel’s incarceration of Palestinians without charge or trial…