Elderly residents of Israel have already been receiving vaccinations against COVID-19 for a week and a half, this one in Tel Aviv.

Security Minister Blocks COVID-19 Vaccine for Palestinian Prisoners

The Israeli Health Ministry reported on Wednesday, December 30, that the total number of residents in the country inoculated against COVID-19 is currently more than 500,000. However, Israeli Public Security Minister Amir Ohana has issued a directive preventing Palestinians detained by Israel from receiving vaccinations, in violation of mandatory Health Ministry guidelines. Adalah – The Legal…

Attorney Nizar Bakri, a Carmiel resident who filed a lawsuit on behalf of his nephews asking the municipality to fund transportation for Arab children to their schools

Court Denies Funds to Arab Pupils Based on Racist Nation-State Law

An Israeli court cited on Monday, November 30, the controversial nation-state law when it dismissed a lawsuit brought by two Arab schoolchildren against their northern town of Carmiel, ruling that the municipality’s “Jewish character” must be preserved. The lawsuit, which charged that the northern Israeli city was violating its obligation to provide transportation for Arab children…

Young communists take part in the Tel Aviv demonstration against the far-right government, Saturday night, November 28, 2020. The Hadash placards read: (right) "Democracy for All," (left) "When the government is against the people, the people are against the government."

Thousands Protest against PM in Jerusalem, Tel Aviv & Arab Towns

Thousands of protesters demonstrated on Saturday evening, November 28, against far-right Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu at intersections, on overpasses and in squares across Israel, as weekly demonstrations continued for the 23rd consecutive week. In Jerusalem, some 4,000 demonstrators gathered outside the Prime Minister’s Official Residence on Balfour Street. In Tel Aviv, several hundred protested in Rabin…

Demonstrators protest near the Mediatheque in Holon, last Saturday, October 24. The Hadash placard held by a Communist demonstrator reads: "Capital, Rule, and the Criminal Underworld"; the sign on the fence in front of him reads: "When the government is against the people, the people are against the government."

Anti-Netanyahu Demonstrators Continue to Rally throughout Israel

Tens of thousands of Israeli citizens gathered on Saturday evening, October 24, to protest against Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu and his far-right government. In this latest round of demonstrations, rallies were held outside Netanyahu’s official residence in Jerusalem, in Tel Aviv’s Rabin and Habima squares, near Netanyahu’s home in Caesarea and at hundreds of overpasses and…

Demonstrators in Haifa, Thursday evening: "We are the hope."

Thousands Attack Far-Right Gov’t in Tel Aviv, Jerusalem and Haifa

Thousands demonstrated throughout the country on Thursday evening, October 22, against the far-right government of criminally indicted Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu, in a series of protests directed at the social and economic crisis, police brutality and high-level corruption. Large protests were held in Tel Aviv, Jerusalem and Haifa, while smaller rallies were held at hundreds of…