Fascist Violence Against Protesters Escalates, Next Thursday: ‘Day of Paralysis’

Hundreds of thousands of Israelis participated in nationwide demonstrations held for the 11th straight Saturday evening against the far-right government. Protest organizers vowed to escalate demonstrations if the fascist-clerical coalition doesn’t halt its legislative proposals, which lawmakers are due to advance next week, declaring this coming Thursday a “National Day of Paralysis.” “Next week Israel’s…

Protests in Berlin Against Far-Right Prime Minister Netanyahu

Protests were held on Thursday in Berlin against the far-right Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu, who visited the German capital. Protesters carried Israeli flags and banners reading “Protect Israel’s democracy,” “No one is above the law, There is no equality without democracy,” “Netanyahu hands off Israeli democracy,” and “Netanyahu, the dictators are not welcome in Berlin,”…

Undercover Cops Infiltrating Protests in Israel

Undercover police officers are posing as protesters at rallies against the government overhaul in Tel Aviv and Jerusalem to collect information on those attending the demonstrations, the Haaretz daily reported. The report said protesters last week in Jerusalem noticed an undercover officer in their midst, carrying an Israeli flag, a symbol of the protest movement.…

Israelis Gather in Masse to Protest for Democracy

Hadash leaders denounced the government on Tuesday after the far-right coalition led by Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu passed, in the first of its three readings, a milestone bill in the divisive effort to overhaul Israel’s judiciary. The government celebrated the effort after the legislation passed by a vote of 63-47 with no abstentions. Some lawmakers,…

Quarter Million Protesters Take to the Streets Across Israel

Quarter million protesters tale of the streets across Israel Satudary evening, in the seventh consecutive weekend of demonstrations against the far-right government, ahead of judicial reform bills being placed before the Knesset plenum on Monday. Organizers of the protest movement have declared Monday as a “National Day of Struggle”, which, for the second week in…

Several Hundred Protest Outside PM’s Residence in Jerusalem

Several hundred people protested Thursday evening on Gaza Street outside the Prime Minister’s Residence in Jerusalem against the far-right government. Demonstrators on Thursday evening protest on Gaza Street outside the Prime Minister’s Residence in Jerusalem (Photo: Crime Minister) The protestors marched towards Paris Square. Physical confrontations broke out with a dozen of fascists counter protesters.…

Over 100,000 Israelis Renew Anti-Gov’t Protests in 20 Cities

Well over 100,000 Israelis demonstrated on Saturday evening for the fifth straight week against the far-right government proposed in dozens of locations throughout the country, including in Haifa, Beersheba, Jerusalem, Kfar Saba, Modi’in, Nes Ziona, Herzliya, Caesarea, Beit Shemesh, Karmiel, Nof HaGalil, Eilat and two locations in Tel Aviv, at Habima Square and on Kaplan…