Then Defense Minister Naftali Bennett (left) and Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu at a cabinet meeting, February 16, 2015

Joint List Lawmakers Back Lapid Move to Replace Knesset Speaker

Yair Lapid’s Yesh Atid (There’s a Future) party began the legislative process on Thursday, June 3, to try to replace the current speaker of the Knesset, Yariv Levin of Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu’s Likud party, with Yesh Atid lawmaker Mickey Levy. Yesh Atid took the step without informing its future coalition partner, Yamina, whose leader, Naftali…

Arab and Jewish Doctors at the Rambam Medical Center in Haifa, Wednesday night May 12: "Shalom – Salaam," Peace in Hebrew and Arabic

Hadash Rejects All Mob Violence by Jews or Arabs, the Burning of Property and Houses of Worship

Amidst the ongoing deadly armed escalation with Gaza, scenes of unrest, rioting, hate rallies and growing social chaos are spreading throughout numerous cities in Israel. The most shocking scene on Wednesday night, May 12, was live coverage of hundreds of Jewish racists (mostly from the Jerusalemite “La Familia” gang) in Bat Yam vandalizing Arab property and…

MKs Ayman Odeh (Hadash, left) and Ahmad Tibi (Ta'al, right) during a meeting with MK Yair Lapid, April 19, 2021

5 of 6 Joint List MKs Recommend That Lapid Form Next Government

President Reuven Rivlin announced Wednesday evening, May 5, he has decided to task Yesh Atid leader, MK Yair Lapid, with forming Israel’s next government. Far-right Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu’s deadline for forming a government expired at midnight, with the country’s longest-serving prime minister having failed again to break more than two years of political deadlock. “It…