A convoy of cars of members from the "Black Flag" protest movement arrives at Kibbutz Givat Haim to protest outside the home of Israeli Resilience MK Ram Shefa, March 28, 2020.

Demonstrations Continue against the Far-Right “Unity Government”

Hundreds of demonstrators belonging to the “Black Flag” movement drove on Saturday, March 28, to the homes of several MKs from Benny Gantz’s Israel Resilience party to protest his unanticipated decision Thursday, March 26, to join a far-right “unity government” under racist Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu. A unity deal between the racist Likud and Israel Resilience…

Knesset members from the Joint List, other political leaders and hundreds of regular citizens protest against Trump's "Deal of the Century" in Baqa al-Gharbiyye, last Saturday, February 1.

Odeh: “PM Hates Arabs More than He Loves Cigars and Champagne”

Chairman of the Joint List, MK Ayman Odeh (Hadash), strongly condemned far-right Prime Minister Binyamin Netanyahu following the report in Haaretz on Wednesday, February 6, that it was Netanyahu who initially proposed transferring the Arab communities of the “Triangle Region” in northern Israel to “Palestinian” control, and his proposal became part of the Trump administration’s…

Pupils demonstrate against Rabbi Rafi Peretz's homophobic and racist remarks, last Sunday, January 12, at Blich High School in Ramat-Gan.

Education Head Stuns with Latest Homophobic and Racist Remarks

Schools, teachers’ unions, social movements, LGTB organizations and mayors throughout the country reacted with shock after the Minister of Education, far-right and messianic Bayit Yehudi (Jewish Home) leader Rabbi Rafi Peretz, again publicly made racist and homophobic remarks. In an interview published in Yediot Aharonot last Friday, January 10, Peretz said a normative family is…