Palestinian protesters sit in front of Israeli soldiers during a protest against the occupation and in solidarity with the Palestinian prisoner's hunger strike, in the West Bank village of Nabi Saleh, May 12, 2017. Israeli soldiers shot and killed Palestinian youth, Saba Abu Ubeid, during the protest.

Knesset Approves Bill to End Tax Transfers to PA as Sanction vs. Its Prisoner Compensation Program

The Knesset advanced legislation on Wednesday, June 14, that would put an end to the annual transfer of an estimated 1 billion shekels ($280 million) in taxes to the Palestinian Authority (PA) as a sanction against the latter’s compensation program that provides financial allowances to Palestinians imprisoned by Israel and their families. The Knesset plenum…

Activists from Hadash and the Communist Party of Israel demonstrate in solidarity with the hunger striking Palestinian prisoners on Wednesday evening, May 3, opposite the Ministry of Defense in Tel Aviv.

B’Tselem: Israel Must Comply with Striking Palestinian Prisoners’ Demands for Improved Conditions

The hunger strike launched by more than a thousand Palestinian prisoners and detainees on April 17 is a non-violent protest focusing on several valid, basic demands for improved prison conditions. Because the Palestinian inmates are held in facilities in Israel, in contravention of international law, Israel imposes severe restrictions on family visits, and many relatives…