Volunteer at a food aid organization for disadvantaged families

Corona Crisis: 22 NGOs Demand Immediate Support for the Needy

Twenty-two Israeli social organizations have written to interim Prime Minister, Benjamin Netanyahu, and the Finance, Economy, Labor and Social Affairs Ministers and the Minister of Social Equality in the transition government, demanding the implementation of an economic emergency plan in cooperation with civil society organizations. In the letter they write: “Acts of charity by individuals…

Pupils demonstrate against Rabbi Rafi Peretz's homophobic and racist remarks, last Sunday, January 12, at Blich High School in Ramat-Gan.

Education Head Stuns with Latest Homophobic and Racist Remarks

Schools, teachers’ unions, social movements, LGTB organizations and mayors throughout the country reacted with shock after the Minister of Education, far-right and messianic Bayit Yehudi (Jewish Home) leader Rabbi Rafi Peretz, again publicly made racist and homophobic remarks. In an interview published in Yediot Aharonot last Friday, January 10, Peretz said a normative family is…

Netanyahu Denies Entry to Palestinians for Joint Memorial Day Ceremony in Tel Aviv

Far-right Israeli Prime Minister and Defense Minister, Benjamin Netanyahu, has refused to allow Palestinians to enter Israel for an annual joint Israeli-Palestinian memorial service in Tel Aviv, scheduled for next Tuesday evening, May 7, Israel’s official Memorial Day. Since 2006, the joint ceremony organized by Combatants for Peace and The Parents Circle – Families Forum…